Anita is the quintessential business professional, a prolific real estate investor and a venerable pillar of the thriving investment culture here in Durham. A previous winner at the Canadian Real Estate Wealth (CREW) Investor Awards, Anita has been featured as a keynote speaker and panelist on the subject of “Two Unit Legalization in Durham” and is sought out for her experience and wisdom in the arena of income producing property investing. An entrepreneur and mover and shaker of local enterprise, Anita offers a profound level of expertise in residential investment real estate, and owns an impressive array of substantial properties in her own personal holdings portfolio. Her great love and respect for all things real estate as well as the opportunity to aid other families in building a future they only dreamed of compelled her to enter the industry as a sales representative to educate, guide and inspire both novice and seasoned investors.
Focusing in Durham (Whitby, Oshawa), Northumberland (Cobourg, Port Hope), and Kawartha Lakes (Peterborough, Lindsay), and with her exceptional reputation, Anita offers a comprehensive platform of elegant and articulate real estate advocacy to aspiring buyers and sellers. Industrious with a keen eye for opportunity, Anita shares her incredible knowledge, experience and wisdom openly and generously with her clients in the hopes of helping more Canadians reach their financial goals of independent wealth through the acquisition of real property. An authentic desire to assist others is her motivation.
As a member of the Doors To Wealth Real Estate Group, Anita shares the team’s philosophy that, for most Canadians, long term wealth is best built through the acquisition of multiple real estate holdings. Anita has the advantage of the most up to date real estate licensing education available, years of mentorship and networking, and the support of the #1 real estate brokerage in the Durham Region, a trifecta that acts as a formidable alley for her clients. A resourceful negotiator and advisor, Anita is eager to educate her clients on the fine points and important details of not just the current market, but on historical trends as well as future indicators that can so affect buying decisions.
Going forward, Anita and the Doors to Wealth Group will provide those interested with monthly market and investor reports, providing insight on the ever-changing real estate market. The team will provide stats, trends and insights to its readers, in a timely and fun format. 2019 will present its share of challenges in the economy and specifically, the real estate market. However, because of these challenges, those that can navigate through will have unique opportunities to invest in quality properties and truly build some wealth, both immediate and for long term goals. Make 2019 the year to leap forward, and no one is better prepared to guide you than Anita and the Doors to Wealth Real Estate Group.