RRSP Mortgages
RRSP mortgages may be the best kept investment secret for Canadian investors. They provide the following incredible benefits:
They are predictable investments.
They provide FIXED annual returns.
They provide above average returns.
No fees are paid to Advisors.
They are more secure, because the real estate property is offered as collateral.

RRSP mortgages are secured to real estate as a first or second mortgage, for anywhere from 3 months, to a year.
This strategy can also work with other registered funds, such as:
LIRA: Locked in Retirement Accounts
RRIF: Registered Retirement Income Funds
TFSA: Tax-Free Savings Accounts
RESP: Registered Education Savings Plan
Returns on your investment go directly back into your RRSP account and are NOT counted as a contribution.
Believe you can take advantage of a fixed annual return on your RRSP? Contact us.